4305 N Eagle Rd
Boise,ID 83713
Phone: 208-939-3110
We would like to make sure that your appointments are as efficient as possible. Please make sure to fill out all of your paperwork ahead of time through your client portal. If you are unable to complete this before hand, or if you need assistance, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment and we will have a desktop provided.
Our Appointment Policy
CONSULTATION FEE POLICY: Our medspa offers a comprehensive consultation by our expert providers to ensure valuable time for both you and our specialists.This fee will be credited towards any subsequent treatment you choose. Please expect to pay the consultation fee at the time of booking.
CANCELLATION & NO SHOW POLICY: Life happens! We understand. We do ask for a 24 hour notice for any cancellations. If an instance of a no-show occurs or multiple cancellations made beyond the 24 hours period happens, we may require you to put a deposit for your following appointment.
SURGERY CANCELLATION POLICY: Surgeries require a two-weeks notice for cancellations. If you cancel outside of the two week period patients will be charged a 20% fee of your total quote.
LATE ARRIVAL POLICY: We will do our best to accommodate late arrivals, however certain treatments are extremely time sensitive due to our schedule and our staff’s availability. Please understand if you’re late you may not be seen.