
5 Solutions for Sun Damaged Skin


Although you can’t turn back the clock and abstain from the sun in the past, you can erase some of the damage that was done. Professional skin care treatments can help remove the skin’s damaged outer layers to diminish sun spots and encourage the growth of new, healthy collagen to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

1. Chemical peels.

Chemical peel treatments are a good option for bringing new life to sun-damaged skin. These peels utilize various solutions and strengths for different treatment levels and results. At Silk Touch Med Spa, our medical aestheticians customize the chemical peel treatment for each client, along with planning a structured treatment regimen. Most light-to-medium peels will require at least 3-6 treatments over a three-month period to see the best results.
Chemical peelscan vary in strength, ranging from very minor solutions that require little to no downtime, to stronger peels that may require a few days to heal. Make sure to discuss any upcoming events or work restrictions with your aesthetician.

2. Intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial.

IPL treatments have become very popular as a tool to erase sun spots and fine lines. An IPL photofacial uses a series of gentle light pulses that target the pigment present in sun spots, as well as other color irregularities. As the light travels through the layers of skin, heat from the light causes damage to the abnormally pigmented areas. This will kick-start the body’s natural healing process. The spot will either become darker and flake off, or it will be naturally absorbed by the body. IPL photofacials also stimulate collagen growth to reduce fine lines.
For the average client, three-to-five IPL photofacial treatments are required for best results, and most clients can be treated as frequently as every three weeks. Throughout the course of the treatment process, you can expect to see improved skin texture and a smoother, more even complexion.

IPL Before and After. Sunspot Removal.

3. C02 Fractional laser.

For a more aggressive treatment for sun damage, there are C02 fractional

laser procedures. A C02 treats sun spots, wrinkles and fine lines with the use of a laser beam that is split (fractionated) into thousands of microscopic beams of light energy. The pixilated light penetrates the dermis and generates enough heat to stimulate natural collagen production and new cell growth. In addition to reducing the appearance of sun damage, fractional lasers can also help treat acne scars, stretch marks and melasma.
Most clients will see results after one to two treatments.
To see if you are a candiate for C02 treatments – schedule a complimentary consultation.

4. Pelleve Radiofrequency.

Treatments that harness the power of radiofrequency waves are also very effective for helping remove sun spots, reduce wrinkles and tighten skin. A Pelleve radiofrequency treatment works by sending heat energy into the dermal layer of the skin to stimulate the production of collagen. Unlike lasers, Pelleve treatments rely on the absorption of radio waves and not light, which makes these services safe for all skin tones.
Pelleve is also great in combonation with IPL’s for both skin tightening and sun spot reduction. This month get a free Pelleve Eye Treatment with a purchase of your IPL Series. Click here to learn more about this special offer.

5. Products Containing Hydroquinone.

Hydroquinone is a topical treatment used to lighten skin. It works by inhibiting the production of tyrosinase, which is an enzyme that helps to produce melanin.
When used alone, hydroquinone treatments may not show visible results for several weeks. To see faster results and improve the effectiveness of this treatment, you can combine hydroquinone with a regimen of chemical peels and/or light-based procedures.
At Silk Touch we carry a wide range of products that can help improve the appearance of sun damaged Skin. We suggest scheduling a  Complimentary Skin Analysis to determine which customized product regimen will be most effective for you.

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